The Development of Human Resource Quality Through Creativity, Motivation and Technology Adaptation
This study aims to determine the significant effect of creativity towards the quality of student learning, to determine the significant effect of motivation towards the quality of student learning, and to determine the effect of technological adaptation significantly towards the quality of student learning at SMP 27 Bandar Lampung. The approach used in this study is mixed method approach. The population in this study were 730 students of SMP 27 Bandar Lampung. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, questionnaires, documentation and literature study. Data analysis techniques used validity test, classical assumption test, F test, T test, coefficient of determination and multiple linear analysis. The data was calculated using the SPSS program (version 20.0). The result of this study indicates that creativity has no effect on the quality of student learning partially and significantly, motivation affects the quality of student learning partially and significantly, and technological adaptation affects students learning at SMP 27 Bandar Lampung partially. Creativity, motivation and technological adaptation affects the quality of student learning in SMP 27 Bandar Lampung simultaneously.
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