Wingman Denim is a business in jeans industry which the quality of the jeans uses premuium
materials that are comparable with Levi’s, Lee Cooper, Wrangler, and Pot Meets Pop. The Company is
also very concerned about the factor that affect the number of purchases each month based on
marketing strategics that have been used. The high level of competition among brands of jeans in
Bandar Lampung offering jeans with premium quality, so it sparks the competitions for this business on
Bandar Lampung.
The problem in this research was the promotion program run still didn’t know about Wingman
Denim in Bandar Lampung, Wingman Denim distribution channels in Bandar Lampung was also still
limited and Wingman Denim Only had one store so that consumers who live for fom the range of shop
would get difficulty to obtain the product from Wingman Denim. The study objective was to determine
the accuracy of the marketing strategy on Wingman Denim jeans store to marketing their product.
The analysis toot used was BCG matrix. The results study with BCG matrix indicate that market
growth for Wingman Denim through July 2015 to December 2015 amounted to 7,63 %. This suggests
that the market growth rate Wingman Denim in Bandar Lampung was still low due to their the amount of
growth in the market was still below 10 %. Based on market share analysis, the value of 0,39 times the
market share in the first quarter and 0,41 time in the second quarter, it shows that the market share
Wingman Denim in Bandar Lampung is still low because, it is still less than 1.