The Effectiveness of Using K-Pop Brand Ambassadors in Increasing Interest in Buying Beauty Products and K-Pop Merchandise at Tokopedia

  • Arya Ardany Kusuma Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta
  • Pitri Yandri Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta
Keywords: Brand Ambassador, Buying Interest


Korean Pop or commonly referred to as K-Pop is a trend that is in great demand by the public, especially young people. The trend is followed by the rise of industries that use attributes that smell of korea, such as K-Pop. in line with the emergence of this phenomenon, Tokopedia as one of the lokapasar in Indonesia also uses attributes that smell of Korea. Tokopedia then made the artist or group in the K-Pop world a Brand Ambassador (BA). Based on that, this study was conducted with the aim to examine the effectiveness and how the influence of the use of K-Pop BA in increasing interest in buying products in various beauty stores and K-Pop merchandise stores on Tokopedia E-Commerce. This research method is quantitative with survey approach. The sample of this study amounted to 100 respondents who came from K-Pop fans in South Tangerang City with a sampling technique in the form of probability sampling manifold simple random sampling. Data collection method this study uses survey techniques by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis, mean value analysis and structural model equation (SEM). This study resulted in the use of effective K-Pop BA and has a great influence in increasing interest in buying products in various beauty stores and K-Pop merchandise stores on Tokopedia E-Commerce with an effectiveness value of 4.01 from the highest value range of 5 and the amount of influence of 46.1%.


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